Game Let's play .... Charades!

Discussion in 'Hangouts, Games and Banter' started by PrincessPraise, Jul 9, 2023.

  1. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness!
    MuchAdo likes this.
  2. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I thought that and dismissed it and now you’ve said it I think it’s right. Damn those distractions !!!
  3. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    YBR Selina Gomez'd you, and then Princess Praise started dishing out spankings, I think you're well within your rights to be distracted haha
  4. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I honestly did see that in a list of movies and hesitated for a moment then moved on. Completely forgot the first image was a doctor. I was tired :confused:
    youngbustyredhead likes this.
  5. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    That's the one
    A doctor, multiple Selenas, and Daffy Duck being daffy aka mad
    Well done

    Didn't realize Selena was going to be quite THAT distracting lol. That was the only distracting thing, right?
    HerLovingHusband and AmberrUK like this.
  6. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    That was not the only thing. Remember how you said your night ended ? Well, umm…
    youngbustyredhead likes this.
  7. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I should have one soon, please hold...
  8. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    It’s been an an eventful few hours lol :cool:
  9. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Hours ? Haha oh. Damn. :p:oops:
  10. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Well not continuous! I did sleep in between
  11. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Well that’s a good thing. I suppose. :D
    youngbustyredhead likes this.
  12. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Here we go...

    Movie, 5 words

  13. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Last gif slightly distracting
    HerLovingHusband likes this.
  14. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I need to lift my game if only one of the gifs is distracting haha
  15. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I can take or leave the second one lol
  16. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I don’t really have any ideas
    Die hard with a vengeance
    HerLovingHusband likes this.
  17. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

  18. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    (you appreciate that was just because of "HANS" in the first image ?)
    HerLovingHusband likes this.
  19. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I do, and it also made me want to watch the Die Hard movies again haha

    I think the first clue is as confusing as I could make it without it being completely irrelevant, I had to work hard to not make it instantly obvious!
  20. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    its definitely not instantly obvious
    HerLovingHusband likes this.

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