Thread where a stupid bitch starts a bunch of shit then wants to talk about pizza.

Discussion in 'Drama' started by Dcdevon, Jan 27, 2019.


But what kind of pizza?

  1. cheese

    3 vote(s)
  2. pepperoni

    7 vote(s)
  3. Sausage

    2 vote(s)
  4. Supreme

    7 vote(s)
  5. I'm just here for the name calling.

    7 vote(s)
  6. Silver_Valentino's pussy probably smells like anchovies

    3 vote(s)
  1. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    So far choice number one is winning.
    witchygirl likes this.
  2. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    'How Desperate For Attention Is This Thread?'
  3. witchygirl

    witchygirl Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Then look who re-started it !!
  4. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    Yet it's okay for Dcdevon to make a homophobic slur on this thread... that surely is not nice?
  5. witchygirl

    witchygirl Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    And that guy has not stopped picking but its us ??? Yeah right
    Dcdevon likes this.
  6. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    He wants attention now this whole thread is about him. I'm just trying to help him out.
  7. Probably because you’re the only one who voted.
  8. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    'He started it...' 'No, he started it...' 'MUMMY!'

  9. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    It's not a homophobic slur. Women suck cocks as well.
  10. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Weren't you banned once for incest?
    witchygirl likes this.
  11. You ever wonder why he is? I mean, you are the one allowing him to get all this attention. Hell, you’re the one giving him it half the time. Like you said: “I’m just trying to help him out.”
    ItzTwoTime likes this.
  12. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    A man calling another man a 'cocksucker' is definitely meant as homophobic.
  13. ItzTwoTime

    ItzTwoTime Active Member FCN Regular

    Ordered this today. Can't for it to arrive.
  14. Incest.. ugh, it was a meme. I can’t remember which one. Damn, now you got me trying to figure out which one it was. Quick question though, what does my past bans have to do with this conversation? Don’t change the subject.
  15. witchygirl

    witchygirl Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Just move on... drive safe you brought this all up again
  16. Wait! No! I know why I don’t remember what meme I was banned for! It was because it wasn’t for incest! It was a meme with a kid in it. I was just spamming memes and clicked on it. I thought I deleted all of the ones with kids in them, but I guess I didn’t.
  17. I like how I just posted that like it was the biggest scientific breakthrough of all time.
    ItzTwoTime likes this.
  18. Guys, I was promoted from a New Member to a Member. I’m no longer an FCN noob! :D
  19. I’d like to thank this thread and my needless posts on my profile for this grand accomplishment!
  20. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    But you are still a miserable cunt .

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