Game Let's play .... Charades!

Discussion in 'Hangouts, Games and Banter' started by PrincessPraise, Jul 9, 2023.

  1. Calazviel

    Calazviel Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    This has taken a strange turn
  2. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    It’s not that strange ? It’s just a book. We often do songs, movies, books, people, sayings…
  3. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    It's usually strange right up until someone gets it right, and then it's painfully obvious in hindsight haha
  4. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Just found this and I’m sure it’s not right but…

    if brothers were bogeys I’d pick you

  5. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Hahaha, I kinda hope that's it
  6. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Well there’s a pick. And the Gallagher are brothers

    what’s bugging me most is that she said I made her think of. That’s confusing me as to what I’ve said or done.
  7. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Definitely not a clue I know the answer to either, hopefully we've made some progress with recent guesses!
  8. PrincessPraise

    PrincessPraise Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    At least another couple of words right would help.
    youngbustyredhead likes this.
  9. PrincessPraise

    PrincessPraise Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Sometimes we actually take this a little more seriously than just thinly veiled porn :eek::p
  10. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Calazviel likes this.
  11. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I don’t think it’s veiled at all lol
  12. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

  13. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Unlike YBR to mess with our/your head in here :p
    Calazviel likes this.
  14. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    She always knows exactly what she’s doing :oops:
  15. PrincessPraise

    PrincessPraise Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Let me pretend to have my dignity in tact :eek::D
  16. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Yes of course miss “I love ASMR porn” :p:p
    (I don’t think anyone here DOESNT enjoy porn :D)
  17. PrincessPraise

    PrincessPraise Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Hey! I'm an auralist! And proud of it :p

    If there are those. They should avoid me (and this thread) with a wiiiide berth *coughs*
    youngbustyredhead and AmberrUK like this.
  18. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I’m more an oralist hehe
    (Wow we’re digressing)
  19. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I love this thread, haha

    For the sake of seeming like I'm still on topic, "The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford" has too many words, in case anyone was wondering :p
    youngbustyredhead likes this.
  20. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Well that was a lot to sort through :D:D:D

    Actually don’t worry about that, it won’t help at all lol

    We do have another correct word! In the interest of putting y’all out of your misery, the new correct word is Leon

    And bc I’m a giver :p here’s a new clue to a word that wasn’t covered with the original set of clues

    HerLovingHusband likes this.

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