Game Let's play .... Charades!

Discussion in 'Hangouts, Games and Banter' started by PrincessPraise, Jul 9, 2023.

  1. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Booooonus hint that won’t help! I did another book by this author ages ago
  2. PrincessPraise

    PrincessPraise Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    The mysterious disappearance of Leon (I mean Noel) by Ellen Raskin?
    Calazviel and HerLovingHusband like this.
  3. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    "Kings of Leon - Only by the Night Songbook" haha
  4. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    That seems to tick all the boxes...
    Mystery Inc
    Disappearing under the sheet
    Leon Trotsky (famously killed with an ice pick)
    Noel Gallagher of Oasis
    Calazviel likes this.
  5. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Found the other Ellen Raskin clue :p
  6. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Oh come on ! :mad:
    (That’s way too sneaky and way too intellectual for me)
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
  7. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    And now I have this stuck in my head

    “Whatever happened to Leon Trotsky?
    He got an ice pick
    That made his ears burn”
  8. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    That's it! Had an explanation all worked up but I guess I don't need that now. Good job Princess!

    But I still owe Amber an explanation lol. When we were trying to figure out Princess' last charade, you said
    In this book, when Leon/Noel disappears underwater, he says something that is partially obscured by him bobbing up and down in the water, so all they hear is "Noel *glub* C *blub* all...I *glub* new..." And a good bit of the book is the other characters trying to figure out wtf he said. So your "the something (x)all" made me think of that!

    It's such a silly little book but it's fun!
    HerLovingHusband and AmberrUK like this.
  9. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    HerLovingHusband likes this.
  10. HerLovingHusband

    HerLovingHusband Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Well done, Miss "Never do well on books" :p
    AmberrUK likes this.
  11. PrincessPraise

    PrincessPraise Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    *Takes a bow*

    Google is my friend. I had never heard of it. Someone getting "Leon" helped immensely.
    youngbustyredhead and AmberrUK like this.
  12. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    It has fun illustrations (that sometimes have clues) too!
    Ok I'll stop selling it lol
    HerLovingHusband likes this.
  13. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Maybe I’ll track down a copy for Scarlet? Is she the right age range for it ?
    youngbustyredhead likes this.
  14. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    It's definitely kid-appropriate but advanced enough that I don't think she'd be bored. I checked, and most sites I saw have it rated for 8-12 years, and I think I was in that range the first time I read it
    AmberrUK likes this.
  15. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Ofc the last time I read it was a couple years ago which I guess says something about my mental age lol
    HerLovingHusband and AmberrUK like this.
  16. PrincessPraise

    PrincessPraise Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Category: Book (series, turned into a film)
    Words: Four


    (Apologies in advance for the inappropriate imagery depicting this book, given it's theme)
  17. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I mean I get what you're saying but I think I can safely say no. apology. needed.
    HerLovingHusband and AmberrUK like this.
  18. youngbustyredhead

    youngbustyredhead Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    And thank you for putting these images in my head right before I head off to work lol
    AmberrUK likes this.
  19. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I instantly thought of “ a series of unfortunate events” but it’s too many words and they sure don’t look unfortunate
  20. AmberrUK

    AmberrUK Well-Known Member FCN Regular

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