Naughty Game Shake hands, kiss, grope, oral or sex

Discussion in 'Hangouts, Games and Banter' started by Chubbychappie, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. Jinxy

    Jinxy Guest

    Quick grope as I pass by.
    Misha000 likes this.
  2. Dogowar

    Dogowar Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Shake hands and a hug ;)
    Icy likes this.
  3. wh1skeySwagger

    wh1skeySwagger Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    just a lil kiss on the forehead for now

    WomanOnTop and Icy like this.
  4. MelancholyArtist

    MelancholyArtist Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    definitely shake the hands of the whiskey master
    WomanOnTop and wh1skeySwagger like this.
  5. Craig_C

    Craig_C Guest

  6. Jinxy

    Jinxy Guest

    A lil shimmy:)
    WomanOnTop, SweetLesGirl and Craig_C like this.
  7. Dogowar

    Dogowar Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Kiss and an arse grope finally lol ;)
    SweetLesGirl and Jinxy like this.
  8. wh1skeySwagger

    wh1skeySwagger Well-Known Member FCN Regular


    What!!!! :eek:

    i gotta stop thinking outloud :oops:

    and @Dogowar

  9. Craig_C

    Craig_C Guest

    I will NOT grab your ass like you jist grabbed Dogowar's. Nope, not happening!
  10. wh1skeySwagger

    wh1skeySwagger Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Thank god lol

    but if you look i groped jinx and fist bumped the dog lol

    and a hand shake to you sir
    WomanOnTop, Kbunny and Jinxy like this.
  11. Dogowar

    Dogowar Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Lol no just a handshake Craig haha ;)
    WomanOnTop and Jinxy like this.
  12. Kbunny

    Kbunny Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Groping while we kiss
    Dogowar and WomanOnTop like this.
  13. angellick44

    angellick44 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

  14. piece_head

    piece_head Guest

    A good morning kiss.
    WomanOnTop and angellick44 like this.
  15. Bdj1992

    Bdj1992 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Shake hands (brofist)
    piece_head likes this.
  16. jimbo1234

    jimbo1234 Guest

  17. WomanOnTop

    WomanOnTop Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I’ll shake your hand as long as your dick isn’t hanging out like in your avatar pic
  18. Dogowar

    Dogowar Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Come on. Bring it in for that hug and kiss lol ;)
    WomanOnTop likes this.
  19. LilithX

    LilithX Guest

    Pat on the head. Good dog.....:eek:
    Dogowar likes this.
  20. Bdj1992

    Bdj1992 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    All of the above for this beauty:oops:
    LilithX likes this.

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