Terrible Being Ghosted

Discussion in 'Drama' started by ArticulateRpSub, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. ArticulateRpSub

    ArticulateRpSub Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Why do people enjoy ghosting one another?
    I mean one day you think things are great, the roleplay is going great, you didn’t anything to offend them (hopefully), but the other day they just disappear.

    I am always very open with my partners, I always ask them what is it that I would do that can out them off, and they keep lying, saying its all okay. But then poof…gone. All of a sudden they disappear, leaving a rp which according to you is going great.

    It just saddens me, making me think maybe if I did things a different way, or maybe if I am in the wrong, what could I have done so he would have stayed or maybe told me what was wrong? It messes with your head.

    But in the end I think it’s them we should pity, not us. They are not mature enough to speak their minds. How messed up their minds are that they think it’s okay to break someone’s heart and they are not bothered by it.

    To all those out there like me, it’s not your fault, you deserve better.
    AndrewJ1968 and itsthicc like this.
  2. Heidiwil

    Heidiwil Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Just a thought? Maybe something has happened beyond their control? This is a place of well, a lot of lies and deceit (for probably many)?

    I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I think, personally, it's the nature of the beast. You can only hope the best, but in the end, rely on yourself to get through any consequences around here! Lol Ug!

    Be well and hope this post gives you support.

    itsthicc and ArticulateRpSub like this.
  3. ArticulateRpSub

    ArticulateRpSub Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I do give people benefit of doubt and atleast a month before declaring that yeah..it happened again, lol.

    And I’d rather be ghosted than something bad happening to someone. But its just its happened everytime and it never gets easy. I know people deal with shit and real life takes precedence. But when you take a step with someone out of fcn, you expect atleast some decency.

    Also, I can tell they are fine, because they remain knline here, lol.

    I know what you mean, and yeah its more or less our choice to get acquainted with such people. I don’t blame them, but can’t help feel terrible. Had a really tough couple of days. But hey, thanks!!
    itsthicc likes this.
  4. AndrewJ1968

    AndrewJ1968 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    One other thing to consider is that a lot of people seem to use roleplay, particularly erotic roleplay, to work through issues in their personal lives. Some of them are grappling with some powerful demons. When wrestling demons one is prone to panic, flight, and recoil. I do not recommend erotic roleplay as a form of therapy, but I do think sometimes we are not their roleplay partner, but their utterly untrained and ill-equipped therapist.
  5. ArticulateRpSub

    ArticulateRpSub Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    That is one nice point of view.
    I understand them, even though its unfair to people who get ghosted. But yeah, everyone has their own demons.
    AndrewJ1968 likes this.
  6. AndrewJ1968

    AndrewJ1968 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Oh, it is very unfair to the people who get ghosted.
    Heidiwil and ArticulateRpSub like this.
  7. Busty_Nerd

    Busty_Nerd The Thicc Admin Staff Member FCN Regular

    I don't think people enjoy ghosting others. I don't think the intention is to get close to someone, then bail for funzies. I think ghosting has become a cowardly response to ending a relationship without having a difficult conversation or having to deal with difficult feelings. Some people think it's easier than actually treating someone as human. This isn't just exclusive to chat, I think ghosting is a new social media thing and a dating thing. People would rather not have an uncomfortable conversation than to be honest. Tbh, I don't think you could have prevented this even if you had a reason. Sometimes there's no other reason other than they felt like it and didn't want to be uncomfortable. It's not worth trying to come up with legitimate reasons or "what if I did this instead" it wasn't you. It was their issue. I wouldn't take it personally. You dodged a bullet, and it was good they showed you what their intentions were before going wasting more of your time and using you.

    I think self-reflection is helpful and sometimes we need to look at our own behavior. But ghosting doesn't have any deeper meaning, and trying to assign a deep meaning to it won't make things better. They were too scared to confront you and decided to hurt you instead of being honest. Happens all the time.
    SilverFern and ArticulateRpSub like this.
  8. ArticulateRpSub

    ArticulateRpSub Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I see what you mean here, and honestly I have felt like doing that too sometimes, but I keep away from doing such thing. Its not always about blaming them or blaming myself. It just felt nice to say it out here.
    Thanks for your insight, and I agree that it is just a trend now, avoiding the difficult part from time to time seems easier and while not everyone is same out there I just hope these people find peace in themselves.

    It just sucks sometimes, you know those low and weird moments you have. But yeah, got step up and start adulting, lol.

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