Thread where a stupid bitch starts a bunch of shit then wants to talk about pizza.

Discussion in 'Drama' started by Dcdevon, Jan 27, 2019.


But what kind of pizza?

  1. cheese

    3 vote(s)
  2. pepperoni

    7 vote(s)
  3. Sausage

    2 vote(s)
  4. Supreme

    7 vote(s)
  5. I'm just here for the name calling.

    7 vote(s)
  6. Silver_Valentino's pussy probably smells like anchovies

    3 vote(s)
  1. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    The other fool being Dcdevon, for sure?

    I think that you and him are just hurt that people aren't bowing down and caving in - also you do not have the rights nor privilege to instruct people what to do.

    I will keep going, I do not have to answer to anybody on this site bar the owner - if you don't like that fact, there is an ignore button... ooops my Mansplaining.

    Never mind... I identify as a minority that cannot be told off :D
  2. ItzTwoTime

    ItzTwoTime Active Member FCN Regular

    Silver_Valentino likes this.
  3. 1) I never said I know anyone’s life, so don’t put words in my mouth.
    2) Oh? Well, then, I guess my cousin who is 14 doesn’t know anything at that age either. Even though she is suffering from severe depression, insomnia, PTSD, and paranoia.
    3) I guess if thats what impresses you, then I can’t change that.
  4. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

  5. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    ItzTwoTime likes this.
  6. The fact that you think that someone can’t go through shit at a young age pisses me off. Not everyone gets the perfect childhood that you appear to have had.
  7. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    There are 19 year olds who run their own businesses, but yeah they know nothing...

    ItzTwoTime likes this.
  8. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    As I said the other day, those who rant on about privilege usually are swimming in it ;)
  9. ItzTwoTime

    ItzTwoTime Active Member FCN Regular

    You don't know anything about anything at 44. That's suppose to be impressive though?
  10. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    After 146 years, the Ringling Bros. Circus has had to throw the towel in.

    They could not compete with this thread.

    ItzTwoTime likes this.
  11. DurtySouth

    DurtySouth Well-Known Member

    Alright...I know everybody got pissed off here for their own reasons. But how about stopping the insults towards @witchygirl please? I know none of you owe me anything, but I'm asking nicely as her friend. She has stopped, so let it be.
  12. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member


    We, the undersigned, agree to be kind and considerate to Witchygirl providing that the following conditions are met:

    * Dcdevon cease and desist from further inflammatory, immature or asinine posts and keeps his anger towards people 'in check'
    * Further debate and dialogue in this thread is kept civil and good natured
    * Neither Dcdevon nor Witchygirl are openly hostile to people with whom they disagree in this thread.

    Happy to sign:

    Silver_Valentino likes this.
  13. ItzTwoTime

    ItzTwoTime Active Member FCN Regular

  14. I’m willing to be nice as long as the opposing party is as well. Hell, I didn’t start antagonizing until Dc antagonized me first.
  15. DurtySouth

    DurtySouth Well-Known Member

    Yeah well, you got this shit going again. Why don't you wipe the cheeotos dust off your dick, go lift some weights, takes some karate, do something to make yourself feel like a man so you don't feel compelled to get on the net and troll everybody? Just a suggestion.
    Dcdevon likes this.
  16. It’s not even a big deal that he called me a miserable cunt. I kinda am, ngl. It’s the fact that I didn’t even do anything that set me off. Instead of trying to be civil, he started insulting me.
  17. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Shut the fuck up asshole. She has done nothing to you. And now you are doing exactly what you accused us of . Hypocrite
    DurtySouth and Keira like this.
  18. Keira

    Keira Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    There a reason you feel the need to be a dick here? Don't think anyone said anything belligerent to you specifically and the ones involved in this "discussion" have been at each other.. Happily I might add..for awhile now.. No one is being bullied by mutual shit why not leave them be.. And while you're at it get tf off my friend.. She hasn't said shit to you and you're starting to piss me off..and I'm trying very hard to keep my chill enough ok..unfollow the damn thread if it bugs you that much

    @ItzTwoTime're an asshole..but I'm sure you know this shock there

    @Dcdevon ignore them it isn't worth her getting hurt ..and I'm about to snap in a big way if it continues

    Anyone else feeling the need to add their bullshit to this thread after it was dead and buried.. is a true troll..get a life
    DurtySouth likes this.
  19. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    DurtySouth likes this.

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