Thread where a stupid bitch starts a bunch of shit then wants to talk about pizza.

Discussion in 'Drama' started by Dcdevon, Jan 27, 2019.


But what kind of pizza?

  1. cheese

    3 vote(s)
  2. pepperoni

    7 vote(s)
  3. Sausage

    2 vote(s)
  4. Supreme

    7 vote(s)
  5. I'm just here for the name calling.

    7 vote(s)
  6. Silver_Valentino's pussy probably smells like anchovies

    3 vote(s)
  1. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    Oh dear... temper tantrum much?

    If YOU won't behave, why should others.

    Let me guess, you think that you can say and do what you like without people intervening - well reality is not like that. If you cannot handle that, there is an X in the top right corner of your screen... click on it and you'll be way more happy.
  2. ItzTwoTime

    ItzTwoTime Active Member FCN Regular

    Why wipe it off when BigBabyDcdevon will just suck it off?
  3. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    ItzTwoTime likes this.
  4. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Temper tantrum no just calling you what you claim I am . pussy
  5. Says the guy posting shit one someone else’s page. Like I said, don’t fuel the fire. You’re doing nothing but making yourself look ridiculous.
  6. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    As I said hypocrite
  7. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member question...

    Are you deemed as 'Special Needs'.

    Just asking, because that is how you are acting. If you do have Special Needs, then I understand.
  8. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Too late bitch . Y'all want to act tough be tough
  9. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

  10. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    Silver_Valentino and ItzTwoTime like this.
  11. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Now we are talking mister you are being a bully. Showing your true colors lol
  12. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    WomenRfromVenus and ItzTwoTime like this.
  13. What is your problem? First you call me a “miserable cunt” when I didn’t even do anything. Next, you don’t even bother to reply to my post because you surely must know just as I do, that you aren’t getting anywhere and know I’m right. Now, you’re just being an asshole. Instead of working things out like a fucking adult, you choose to act like a child. I was willing to work things out and have a civil conversation, but clearly, you are incapable of that.
  14. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I see a slag tooth brit lol
  15. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    It was a QUESTION not a STATEMENT.

    It seems that you haven't got the intelligence to work out the difference, you just played yourself so congratulations.
  16. Modron

    Modron Well-Known Member

    I sense an overly emotional human who cannot handle criticism and thinks that the world revolves around him.

    Time to change your nappy?
    ItzTwoTime and Silver_Valentino like this.

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